157 Cafe & Hangout

157 Café and Hangout opened in December 2014, it is the winter season in Loei Province. 157 Cafe & Hangout is located just 600 meters from km. 0 of Loei Province. When driving to Phu Ruea District, 157 Cafe & Hangout will be on the left-hand side. 157 is from our house number. We use the old house with the rest of the front of the house, so we plant more trees for shade and organized into a coffee shop and selling food to welcome friends who visit Loei. Decorate the shop with nature, using the coolness of the shade of trees. You can be comfortable and relaxed in the shop for a long time. Most of the food is Thai food and northeastern food in some festivals, we will arrange seafood to serve as a buffet.

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